
Posts Tagged ‘wide’

Random thought of the day: Don’t be a lemming

October 6, 2011 1 comment

Imagine a cliff with a steep drop. Everyone is walking in line and falling off the cliff to their death. You ask the person in front of you, “Why is everyone going this direction? Why not try to cross on the other path?”

“Oh, well that path is windy and uphill. This way is much easier.”

As soon as he finishes explaining that, he too follows the crowd off the cliff. SPLAT~!

Would you follow him off, thinking, “Surely, if EVERYone’s going this way, it must be OK.” Would you take one look at the harder road that safely leads across and think, “but I don’t feel like sweating”?

Following the rest of the world on the wide road (Matthew 7:13) will surely lead to destruction. It doesn’t matter that everyone else is doing it; there is no safety in numbers. Unless the bodies pile so high that you can safely land on someone who before you, you’re destined to die just like the rest of them (hint: the pit is bottomless, OK?).

Don’t concern yourselves with fitting in. Don’t shy away from being on fire for Christ. Seriously, who cares about the opinions of other human beings? We’re all just a huge collection of sinners and goofy idiots, bumbling for truth when it’s right under our noses. Personally, I don’t look up to any person as “cool” and worthy of occupying my thoughts for more than a few seconds at a time. I’d rather impress the Almighty God.

Being casual and lukewarm about God leads to the exact same place as having no faith at all, so you might as well live it up now. Or, hopefully you’ll come to your senses and commit fully.